Problem with “Windows cannot open this file” ?

I ever have a problem with my file. I can’t open one file that usually can be opened just with double click. Then pop up appears…

Windows cannot open this file

To open this File, windows needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs on your computer. What do you want to do?

This problem frequently happened, when you just uninstalling one program from your computer. The reason why you can’t open the file is because, now, the registry cannot identify what program is used to open this file, after uninstallation.  And it usually happened when you install two or more programs to open one file and then uninstalling one of them.

This kind of problem, also, comes out when I just download a file. I have problems with file extension. I download a file but don’t know what kind of file, and how to open this file. “Windows cannot open this file”. Confusing with this problem, just now, I found where to know more about the answer of this problem, such as explanation about, File Extension TORRENT, AU3 file extension or File Extension mdi.

It has the information about thousand of file extension on web and helps us to fix the file extension problems. You can also contact them to ask question via the contact form.

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1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Investasi said,

    ok makasih atas informasinya thanks

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